Grow Healthy – Pensacola
GrowHealthy provides you with the cleanest, most potent cannabis products available, along with first-rate support and delivery right to your door. GrowHealthy can help you relax deeply and reduce pain.
Since November 2017, patients have been able to receive their medical cannabis from GrowHealthy. We started with one store in West Palm Beach, but now we have 17 locations across the state, offer free delivery anywhere in the state, and have launched TrailBlazerTM, a rapid cannabis delivery program for patients in the greater Orlando area. Even as we grow, our primary goal is the same: improving the quality of life for our patients. Our dedication to our patients and the quality of care we provide them is unwavering.
Pensacola Wellness Solutions
We at Pensacola Wellness Solutions are dedicated to helping both men and women feel better by offering medical cannabis services, PRP therapy, hair loss treatments, sexual rejuvenation procedures, and cosmetic injectables like Botox® and Juvederm®. The first step toward improving people’s appearance, mood, and health is making a decision, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to play a role in the solution alongside YOU on this critical path to better health.
Dr Kenneth Mitchell is a native Alabamian who received his medical degree from UAB and completed his OB/GYN residency at Vanderbilt (1981-1985). After settling in Pensacola in 1986, he worked as an OB/GYN at the Medical Center Clinic until 2001, when he and his partners eventually joined The Women’s Group.
Following his retirement from obstetrics in 2005 after having performed more than 3000 deliveries, he expanded his practice to include the highly effective weight loss program Medi-Weightloss Clinics Pensacola. His goal has been to improve health through reduced body fat and increased physical activity. He began specializing in obesity and general health in 2007, and he just recently finished training to take the Bariatric Medicine board exam.
There remains considerable overlap between these two areas of medicine. Changes in hormone levels can have a positive impact on health and wellness by altering the distribution of fat and muscle. Dr. Mitchell has extensive knowledge of the various hormone replacement therapy options, and his practice, Pensacola Wellness Solutions, reflects this.
Cannabis Legalization
Alabama has a long and troubled history with cannabis possession laws, but on May 17, 2021, Gov. Kay Ivey signed SB 46 into law, legalizing medical marijuana. SB 46, also known as the Act, legalizes medical marijuana in Alabama, making it the 37th state to do so. After being approved by the Alabama Senate in February 2021, the bill recently passed the Alabama House of Representatives and will likely be signed into law after a few minor changes are made.
State Representative Laura Hall’s son, Darren Wesley “Ato” Hall, died of AIDS and is remembered in the Darren Wesley “Ato” Hall Compassion Act. This law establishes the Alabama Medical Cannabis Patient Registry, which will maintain records on certified physicians, registered patients, and medical card data, as well as information on the types and quantities of medical cannabis prescribed by each physician. When a patient purchases at a dispensary, the system will record the date, the amount, and the dispensary where the product was purchased.
The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission was also established by the Act to issue licenses for, and monitor, the cultivation of medical cannabis. The governor and other state legislators in Alabama will appoint 14 people to the commission, and those people will then need to be confirmed by the Alabama state senate.
Members appointed to commissions will not be public servants, political candidates, lobbyists, or government employees. Instead, they’ll hold specific occupations, like farming, medicine, or pharmacy. They also won’t be able to invest in any businesses connected to medical marijuana.
A patient can keep their medical cannabis card for up to 12 months, at which point they will need to renew it. The state will use the 9% tax collected from medical cannabis sales to pay for the cost of administering the program, while any surplus will be split between the general fund and a new Medical Cannabis Research Fund.
More than fifteen thousand rescinded marijuana convictions from 1990 through 2020 were also pardoned by Mayor Randall L. Woodfin of Birmingham.
Although possessing cannabis is still a crime in Alabama, the state Senate decriminalized it on March 3, 2021. There is still the matter of a vote in the Alabama House and the governor’s signature before this bill can be considered fully enacted. However, it’s a bill with a lot of potential for Alabama’s citizens.
After the bill is fully passed, those who have been convicted of cannabis possession in the past will be able to request that the charges against them be expunged from their records. If you are caught with two ounces of cannabis or more for the first time, you will only be fined $250 under this law. If this is your second offense, you’ll have to pay a $500 fine, and your third offense will cost you $750. To everyone’s relief, marijuana possession in Alabama will no longer result in criminal penalties.
The Darren Wesley “Ato” Hall Compassion Act allows for the purchase and possession of up to 60 daily doses and 70 total doses of medical cannabis. After 90 days of participation in the medical marijuana program, patients may increase their daily dosage from 50 milligrams of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to 75 milligrams of THC. In some states, patients with terminal illnesses can legally receive more than 75 milligrams of THC per day, but doing so will result in a temporary suspension of their driving privileges.
It’s possible that once the regulatory commission is set up, patients’ access to certain daily dosages will depend on the severity of their qualifying medical condition. Products containing more than 3% THC will not be available to minors who qualify for medical cannabis.