cosmetologist's office

Basic facial skin care is a minimum program that has several key and mandatory items. That is why it is called basic, which forms the basis of a daily beauty ritual, no matter what kind of skin you have and no matter what procedures you use, dermal fillers or others – we are talking about the base that guarantees protection of the skin, keeping it healthy self and immunity, prolonging youth and delaying the appearance of age-related changes. Minimal effort for maximum results is its main goal.

Home care: important details

At home, the daily scheme of the procedure looks like this:

  • makeup removal;
  • cleaning;
  • toning;
  • serum application;
  • applying eye cream;
  • applying day/night cream.

Additional steps in this scheme are periodic exfoliation of the skin and the use of masks. An important nuance: the products used must correspond to the skin type and/or problem.

And here one of the most common mistakes is often made – incorrect determination of one’s type and, accordingly, improper care. When dehydrated skin, for example, is self-identified as dry, products for dry skin are purchased. In such a situation, the skin not only does not get what it needs – on the contrary, the situation is further aggravated by those drugs that are not suitable and do not correspond to the problem. And many such examples can be given.

The best option is to get a consultation from a cosmetologist and consult with him. And then jars, tubes, and bottles even from the mass market will give the skin the opportunity to feel minimal care and care. After all, the next important detail is the regularity of procedures. Cosmetologists even joke that it is not so important which products to use – it is important to do it regularly, every day.

Cosmetologist’s office: professional care

The possibilities of a cosmetology office are incomparably wider, and the concept of basic care has its own specifics. Here we are already talking about more intensive procedures, which not only provide professional care with the help of much stronger professional drugs. Their important task is prevention. And this means not only high-quality moisturizing, nutrition, and skin saturation, the use of products with DMAE, PDRN, peptides, ceramides, etc. But also – toning, including muscles and muscle framework, increasing microcirculation, and maintaining skin tone and elasticity. Visits to the cosmetologist for procedures are working in advance.

The specialist has the main basic tools at his disposal – his hands, tools, and devices. This trinity is capable of many things – and even more so in conditions of the regularity of procedures. In modern conditions, hands and tools are no longer enough, today it is difficult for an office to function without hardware capabilities – if only for the simple reason that electric current, acoustic vibrations, and colored light waves can reach places where, to paraphrase a well-known phrase, “the hand of man has not set foot” .

Hardware methods are exfoliation, nourishment of soft tissues at a deep level, stimulation of collagen production, bringing the muscles of the face to a vigorous active state of elasticity, leveling of the relief of the skin, its restoration, and rejuvenation.

Some hardware methods are preventive and basic, others already belong to the rejuvenating category. They are recommended to be used no earlier than 30 years of age and in the presence of clear indications. Of course, with mandatory consideration of contraindications.

Basic care: hands and devices

In the world of modern cosmetology, dozens of hardware methods based on physical factors exist and are actively working. If we are talking specifically about the exfoliation stage, then these are the following procedures:

  1. Diamond Microdermabrasion.
  2. Hydrodermabrasion.
  3. Ultrasonic peeling.

The cosmetologist chooses a method based on the type of skin and its condition. And – their technical capabilities. For oily, combined, and normal, diamond microdermabrasion and hydrodermabrasion are good. And for a dry type, ultrasonic peeling will be the best option.

The following procedures may be the next step in basic hardware care:

  1. Microcurrent therapy.
  2. Hydro peeling.
  3. Vacuum facial massage – after 25-30 years +/-.
  4. Photodynamic therapy.
  5. Electroporation.
  6. Phonophoresis.

RF-lifting, SMAS-lifting, and laser procedures cannot be considered basic care methods – these are more active and aggressive methods used at the stage of serious correction of age-related changes.

Electroporation and phonophoresis should be singled out from the given list. These are techniques aimed at introducing active ingredients into the deep layers of soft tissues. Depending on the type and specificity of the selected remedy, they can be considered important independent stages of basic care in the presence of certain indications.

For example, exfoliation of the skin and introduction of serum or ampoule preparation with PDRN (polynucleotides) using electroporation can become basic procedures for the fine-wrinkled type of aging, presence of acne and post-acne, scars, couperosis, etc.

The world of modern hardware cosmetology offers specialists and customers of beauty salons a wide range of skincare options – both basic and rejuvenating. High-quality drugs and high-quality safety equipment in the hands of a real professional are the health of the skin, its youth, cleanliness, and freshness.

By Michael Caine

Meet Michael Caine, a versatile author hailing from the tech-savvy landscapes of the USA. With a passion for innovation, he navigates the digital realm with his insightful perspectives on technology, gaming, and niche topics. Michael's writing transcends boundaries, seamlessly blending in-depth tech analysis with a keen understanding of the gaming world. His engaging content resonates with readers seeking a blend of cutting-edge insights and a touch of Americana. Explore the digital frontier through Michael Caine's lens as he unveils the latest trends and thought-provoking narratives in the ever-evolving world of technology and beyond.

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